Sunday, April 25, 2010

Granny Boggs

I found out recently that I am going to be a grandmother. This is probably the most amazing and wonderful thing to happen to me since I found out I was pregnant with my own kids.

My daughter and her husband told us when they came home for a visit. It was fairly early in the pregnancy and thye probably wouldn't have said anything so early but wanted to tell us in person. By the time they get back for their next visit I don't think they would have been able to surprise us because she will be about 5 months pregnant and we would have been able to see it for ourselves.

She kept asking me if I was going to have any vacation left after the week I was taking off for that visit home and for a week we have scheduled in the summer. I couldn't understand her interest and said why are you asking me about my vacation time? Her response was that I would need some vacation time in October. Why, I replied? Well to come and see your new grandbaby!

I hope my reaction seemed positive! I was so surprised that I don't know if I reacted at all or if I sat there like a big dolt! My husband had suspected they would make an announcement when they came home but I kept saying it's too soon. I am thrilled and can't wait to see that new little face.

I am a little sad because they are still so far away. I want to be there for Kristy, I want to go shopping for maternity clothes with her, I want to fix her soup or whatever else she feels like having. I want to come over to her house and help her do things when she's feeling so tired. I know that they will be home soon and I will be able to drive down to visit them but I feel like I just can't wait.

I find myself drawn to the baby department of any store I happen to be in. I have to look at all of the little clothes and toys. I pay a lot more attention to other young moms who are either pregnant or pushing strollers. I am currently trying out names for the baby to call me. Mom-Mom is taken, Grandmom is what the kids call my mother, I never really like Nan nan. Kind of sounds simple to me. I love Granny but Kristy thinks it sounds old. I will find the right name and I will love it every time I hear it from Baby G and any others that may come along!

I can't help but feel sad for all of those in our family that won't get a chance to know of or meet Baby G. Bill's mother especially was cheated from knowing any of her grandchildren. My dad, Kristy's paternal grandmother, Michael's grandmom, her Pop pop and her Poppy will never get the chance to see Kristy as a mom.

I know that she will be a great mom and I'm hoping that I will be a good grandmother. I am so grateful that I will have the chance to see my little girl become a mom. That is the best gift a mother can ever get, the chance to see her children grown and happy in their lives. It makes me realize just how much each day is a gift and how we each should cherish those days and be happy for all we are able to experience.

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